Daniel Hahm

Full Stack Developer
Based in Jersey City, NJ


Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering. Primarily worked in HealthCare IT as a consultant/data engineer. Passion in learning new technologies in all industries.


Programming languages & tools

  • React/React Native
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Node.JS
  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • HTML
  • CSS

Additional tools: Oracle, PostgresSQL, MS SQL, PhotoShop, GIMP

Personal Projects


About: Platform for fitness instructors, coaches, and health experts to expand their social presence. FitCo comes with two types of user experiences, one for the coach and one for the student. Users are able to swipe and filter for coaches to follow. Live stream feature only available for coaches. Find out more by clicking on the two part demo links.

Tech: React Native, Redux, Ruby on Rails, Cloudinary, PostgreSQL, Auth

Wildlife Conservation

About: Reactive website to find more information on endangered species around the world. React-map-gl used for global map to pin coordinates.

Tech: React, Ruby on Rails, Auth, PostgreSQL, React-map-gl, SemanticUI


About: Single page application. QuizIt was created for teachers and instructors to quickly create online quizzes for their students. After a quiz is created an email with the quiz code is sent to the creator. After a quiz is taken the results are directly sent to the creator's email. Additionally, comes with a chatroom. Frontend built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Ruby on Rails used for backend API.

Tech: NodeJS, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Cloudinary, React-map-gl, SemanticUI

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